Today wraps up the round two voting. They're only cutting 5 from this round so I've got my fingers crossed that I'm not one of them! :) For this challenge we were asked to:
Tap into your inner child and design a project that you and your favorite little one can create together. This means simple and easy, yet creative as can be. Try and make something clever and fresh that can be put to use or go on display following your play date. Is it for your home? Jewelry? Party decorations? Go to it.
There are so many kid-friendly projects out there. We’d like to see something new. Something we haven’t seen before. We also want to see a project that allows kids to make their mark (even if it’s outside the lines).
Wow! Now that is a challenge! I decided on something that I haven't seen before...that doesn't mean it hasn't been done, I just haven't seen it! lol! :)
I created a coloring book caddy. Andy is totally in to coloring right now and so are all of his friends this age. He always wants to take his coloring books and crayons EVERYWHERE, so I decided why not create something cute for kids to tote them around in. And a very special crayon box that is all their own?? For those of you that are now thinking that I have WAY too much time on my hands I promise I don't! ;)
So, that's what I went with. The real challenge was the part about creating something that your kids could help with. Since you wanted it to look "good" for the contest it's hard to have a 4 year old help, but I found a way! The images of the flowers on the front are stamped on. Then colored by hand. The "A" on the crayons box is colored by hand too. Let your kid stamp the images and color them to decorate their own box, and let them color their own initial to decorate the crayon box with. TA-DA! :) Andy LOVED being asked to help with this project. It really made me realize how much they just want to be a part of something! So Fun!
Here are a few pics to show you what I'm talking about:
If you'd like to vote it goes until 4pm MST today. Here's the link:
MM Idol Voting
Thanks!! :)
Have a great day!