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July 04, 2009


Great article, Tammy! I mean, really, you know you're becoming a great news writer in addition to photographer, party planner, scrapbooker and all around massively creative person? You make such a good point, and even from across an ocean where I all but forgot it was the fourth of July, I'm feeling patriotic too! Thanks for the reminders!

It took a lot of guts to put this on your blog. I am so thankful to see this. I agree 100% Everyday when I think about N Korea and what they are saying and I see everything else going on I think.....does anyone care. I encourage anyone who sees any American Soldier to get the guts and walk up to say thank you. I can hardly do it without crying.


This is EXACTLY how I have been feeling lately. The more I study what the founders have said, and what is going on today, the more scared I am. I did contact my reps about the cap and trade. I am just hoping more people start opening their eyes and hearts and fight for the country that was intended by our founders.

Well said!

Thank you again, for being inspiring and talented in yet another area, one of the most vital. It is time we all start waking up and doing something . . . not just sitting around talking about it and wishing we knew what to do. You are fabulous.

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