Have you ever had that friend or relative that went on a vacation and then came home with thousands of pictures and expected you to look through them and re-live their trip with them? Well, this week I am that friend. ;) lol!! I thought I'd share a few photos of our adventures last week...I promise to try and not bore you too much. :)
We started out on Saturday driving through Vegas heading to St. George, UT for a good old fashioned 4th. At first I wasn't too excited about spending most of my 4th of July in the car, but then I tried pitching it to the kids as a unique experience...what could be better than spending our nation's birthday driving across it and enjoying the beauty that it encompasses. We sang patriotic songs, talked about the colonies, the intolerable acts, the continental congress and read the declaration of independence. (thank goodness for the blackberry and internet service in the middle of nowhere!! ;))
Another fun surprise was a quick and fun vist with some really good family friends in Las Vegas. We were driving though kind of spur of the moment and gave them a call to meet us for lunch. That turned into a fun afternoon of swimming and chatting. :) We are so grateful for the wonderful friends we made in law school...really more like family if you ask me. You know the kind...friends you can go without speaking to or seeing for months and then just pick up right where you left off without missing a beat. We sure love these families and relish every moment we get to spend with them!
This kid cracks me up. I love how he insists on wearing his goggles..."but mom, they are more comfortable like this..." lol, a little funnier looking too, but while he's so little and cute we won't mention that! ;)
Thanks for a fun afternoon Allemans!!
After a nice break from the car (and some Cafe Rio) we headed to our final destination for the weekend...St. George Ut and the Inn at Entrada. For those of you that are HSM2 fans, you might recognize it as Lava Springs. Yes, we stayed at the resort where HSM2 was filmed in one of the casitas where the cast members lived during filming (insert teeny bopper squeal here). It was gorgeous!
It was incredibly fun and very reasonable. You stay in a casita that is roughly 2000 square feet with a full granite kitchen, laundry room, beautiful master bedroom and bath, great room, garage, and patio.
Here's the view from our "backyard"...this is a virtually unenhanced photo, just a little border on the edge...straight out of camera...yep, the colors in the early evening are really that gorgeous!
We spent a lot of time here...
kinda made us wonder what we were thinking heading out to a rustic cabin in the mountains shortly thereafter.... ;)
more to come.
have a great day!