Since I've been sick for the last two weeks (I know, that is excessively long!!!) I've been spending a lot of time in bed and BORED!! I was putting together some valentines for Andy's class (I'll share tomorrow...trying to get a pattern put together for you ;) ) and came up with this little SUPER easy valentine treat.
I only made a few for the picture to give you an idea, but if you made a bunch of them you could keep them in fun vase by your door and give one to people that stopped by the week of Valentines, or tie a little note with a cute ribbon to each one and send them to school with your little one to hand out instead of paper valentines.
I'm really into orange and blue right now...not very valentines I know, but you can always change the colors!! :) They are SO easy to make. I just used doolebug designs flowers (available at the scrapbook store or use ANY flower) I punched a hole in the middle of them and pushed the pop stick through. If they won't go through easily becuase of the wrapper, you can wrap a piece of tape tightly around the base of the wrapper to make it more seamless with the stick.
Have a great day!